Last We Left Off…

Hello! My name is Steve, and I am a Game Master.

I’m currently running three Pathfinder 2e games a week; two online, one in person. All three are quite a ways into their respective campaigns, so I thought I’d utilize this site to log their adventures for posterity.

Tuesdays are for Curse of the Crimson Throne, which I believe is the first adventure module for Pathfinder 1e. I found a conversion guide on Pathfinder Infinite, and we’re having a great time. As of this writing we are 34 sessions in, and about a third of the way through the AP. We only have about 2 hours a week to play, so it’ll be a while before we’re done.

Fridays are for Quest for the Frozen Flame, a 2e AP released in January 2022 about a group of nomads traversing the Realm of the Mammoth Lords in search of an ancient artifact. We are 44 sessions in and about halfway through this 3 book AP, having a blast.

Sundays are for Heroes of the Vale, which began with The Fall of Plaguestone, the first adventure written for Pathfinder 2e, and continues into Red Hand of Doom, an adventure for D&D 3.5. We’re 22 sessions in and really just getting started. I’m using a fantastic conversion by We Play in a Society on their amazing blog.

The Tuesday and Friday games are played online over Zoom, and the Sunday game is in person with a group of people I’ve been playing with for almost ten years. Both games utilize Foundry VTT.

I’m writing this on a Sunday, about an hour before people start to show up for tonight’s game. The goal with this blog is to write a session summary after each game, so let’s see how well I can keep to it.


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